Sunday, January 4, 2009


ok so it's like 3:50 or some wild shit n I hear my phone ring private.......usually I don't answer butttttt I did this time.
ZiplockTac: yyyyyyyyyo
Z.t.: ohhhh I forgot u juss like hearing my sexy voice don't u?
D.f.b.:...........(heavy hefter-like breathing)
Z.t: *starts singin t-pain* ooooooo I can't believe it// why the fuck u still callin...callin//
u ain't gotta juss breathe/ say sumthin plz/why u still stalllllin biiiiiiiird
Say sumthin pronto//. R u in mtrl or Toronto
Actually I don't care//I'm ziplock la flaire// Juss bought my girl a teddy bea.....awwwwww
Ooooooo I can't believe oooo oooo u still want me....
Then I hung up cuz I cudnt think of any other witty shit to say.

Then......less than 2 mins later my phone starts ringing again....but it like stops halfway thru the 1st ring I grab my phone annnnnnnnd
(dab chapelle)"Gotcha bitch"(dave chapelle)
This dumbfuckinbird called right back........& FORGOT 2 block her number hahahhahahahaahah

Ha ha ha
So I text this bird "hahahaha booked" and I don't know if all stupid ppl do this or juss this bird, but when ur number pops up on my phone and u hang up on the 1st ring, its obviously YOU so why bother continue with the lie? am I a retard ppl???

Oh man wellllll....ummmmmmm......yea here comes the bus annnnnd push
Heidi Prankee ur a loser. Stop calling me plz. I'm even asking politely. I know u read my blog so pls give it up I dunno why ur still harassin me. We haven't spoken in months. You are STILL a pathelogical liar and u need to get medical help for this sick sick problem of yours.

So I hope that was the last call u friggin loser!

Why is CNN so fuckin bias!?!?! It's so hard to see these dudes sit on tv n pump out propaganda (p.o.p sounds like a song title) and main the worlds view of the Muslim community become worse n worse. I dunno how ANY soldier in ANY army could shoot a child. I've made the decision to try to do something to help at least one person over there if I can. U should do the same

Ok right now a Hamas spokesman is saying that until someone in the int'l community steps in Isreals attacks will cntinue...and who is really going against the u.s' middle east military strong point. SMH
This is fuckin disgusting

It's 4:30 I'm now goin to bed to dream about a very special woman
*dontb watch the spelling or anything I'm bloggin on my iPhone n it's friggin 4:30 in da a.m.

1 comment:

ZiplockTac said...

hey hey it was 4am dont hate