Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This Just Doesn't Make Sense

Canada's largest Jewish advocacy group will ask police to investigate whether hate laws were broken during recent rallies held in cities across Canada to condemn Israel's attacks on Gaza - an allegation roundly dismissed Tuesday by the group's Arab counterpart.

The Canadian Jewish Congress and the Canadian Arab Federation exchanged their latest barbs as the cauldron of emotion in the Middle East, set to boiling by Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip, continued to spill over international borders.

The congress has video and images from "pro-Hamas" protests in Toronto, Montreal and Calgary that were "uncivil, un-Canadian, that demonize Jews and Israelis," and might have violated Canadian laws, CEO Bernie Farber said in an interview.

Full Article Here I'm no int'l law expert nor am I on the UN Security council or any of that other shit...but does it not seem hypocritical that The Canadian Jewish Congress is outraged that some of the demonstrators at the protest may have went to far and are calling for the RCMP and local police to investigate whether or not there were any violations made towards the Jewish people, when the Isaeli army committed the injustice of declaring an unsanctioned war. The US was the only country that was against an immediate ceasefire upon the people of Gaza. I say ppl because in this case there have been almost double the amount of civilian casualties as there have been Hammas militants. Although no1 really knows the real story seeing as our media is biased and we really cant get any numbers that are 100% accurate, and the army has the city under seige will not allow any media in the city so who really knows what the fuck is gwannin out there..but the bombing each other over land needs to stop.


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