Saturday, January 10, 2009

Plies.....The Definition of Real??

I refused to listen to this mans [pardon my french] niggerish music, well I still refuse to really listen to his music cuz I hate his voice n the last few weeks almost by accident I've caught a few of his interviews and they are nothing like his music. He does seem like Da Realist in his interviews....he conducts himself on a different level from most rappers. He seems to have this rap shit understood on a level that I haven't seen in forever. To be honest as much as this disgusts me to say, I feel that Plies understands the game on a Jay-Z level tho he is far from there, and I doubt he'd even want to be in that position. In this genre we call rap in the majority of artists careers' it seems almost as if the moment you start becoming successful via the masses you are hated by the same people that loved you when they didn't expect you to become larger than life. So to see that someone like Plies, have this deep understanding of what the whole concept of being a star involves I can't help but be a fan of him as a person. What most people seem to miss, is that this rap shit can only last you so long, and if you've been given the oppourtunity to be able to change the lives of those around you to take it and run as fast as you can with it. Which is what this man is doing, if you're a real person & from the same situation I'm from AND have enough intelligence to understand how short life is and how few chances we're given to succeed in a world which its accepted and expected for us to fail you appreciate the understanding Plies brings to the table. I may not be a fan of his work musically but I am a fan of the man.

Short Interview with Plies speaking on success

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