Saturday, January 17, 2009

So What Did Uuuuu Do Yesterday???

I went to link up with the SmellTheRich fam yesterday on the Coldest day of the year or so I thought as I skipped down Spadina like a 6 year old on my way to GoodFoot. So yea, from there we were on our way to LiveStock to meet up with the Clipse and on the way my homie told me that Kid Cudi was doin a lil shopping in Nomad. Yuuuuuuuup had to go meet the man himself, I wish I had the BuzzCam cuz u know I woulda had the video runnin when we were talkin bout what might b both of ours and prbly ur fav subject..........PIFF. SO yea Cudi's mad cool, then we got to go to LiveStock and step in a lil early while the line outside was building up get to meet the self-proclaimed "Best Duo Ever" annnnnnnnnnnnd Ab-Liva who's another mad cool dude. He chilled in the cut with us while a few of the REAL fans came up to him to show love. Pics comin soon...and I didn't complete my goal of smokin a blunt with Cudi but that will b accomplished sometime on my path to EPICness

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