Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So Is This The Reason Most Countries Are In Recession??

This is the Japanese Finance Minister..........DRUNK at the G7 Conferrence

Nakagawa, a close ally of Prime Minister Taro Aso, told reporters that he had
drunk alcohol the day before the press conference and took medicine on his
flight to Rome for a meeting of Group of 7 finance leaders and central bankers
on Friday and Saturday. He said the combination may have affected him badly.

Now, I'm no expert [[I'm a retired expert tho haah]] but I'm pretty sure you don't stay drunk for two days off sleeping pills and wine. Really tho, the fact that people with so much control over the well being of so many others and one of their country can be so wreckless usually with no repercussions.

Hence another reason I must become a part of THEY

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