So me n the boss don wheezblock r sittin in class again....fu*kin boring...2 more months of this might juss b unbearable I already wanna commit suicide. N it's like no1's gettin jobs anyways so what's the point realllllly?? Nothin sucks more than seein some of my ppl who've put their social lives on hold while gettin Mandingo'd by the guv't into all kinds of debt and they are UNable to find a job in their trained field....or the odd...odd one who does gets a bottom of the barrell job that they couldve gotten and been promoted to a better position in the time that that school took to finish. Wtv tho...
In worldwide news the Big3 r gettin ready to ask for more money since the money they were already given has run out annnnnnd these fuckboys still have no solid plan on how they're gonna sell any cars. Here's a plan stop making so many unesseccary cArs....we all know the cavalier n sunfire are the same need to spend millions on molds to make the door handles different on each car geeeez. Let some other ppl run the companies b4 u decide to bail them out...again. The ppl who are runnin these companies n deciding to continuously put out a shitty product because they've already made enough that their kids kids kids are set n seem to not give a fuck about the ppl who need these jobs to survive, to take care of their families etc.
Plus these dudes been gettin it in, in the drought. Obama needs to get on his grind n make sure none of these dudes are gettin cake for runnin their companies into the ground over the last few years. Cars were invented in the U.S. and these dudes lost their grasp of constant innovation and let companies from the other side of the world out work them into the position they're currently in.
Dear rappers if ur still rappin to get money or ur still tryna play off a made up persona...kill yourself. Wait, actually be yourself, see if that works n if ppl still ain't interested than u can proceed with the suicide (career suicide I mean) it's not cool to just try n put out an image n hope ppl believe's over for all that shit this year. If you're in tune with the world u wouldve already noticed that all the ppl who used to b relevant are slowly die'n get it while u can
Class done