Friday, May 2, 2008


Or trying to be........Charles Ray Fuller a 21-year-old North Texas man was arrested last week for trying to cash a $360 billion check, saying he wanted to start a record business, authorities said. Tellers at the Fort Worth bank were immediately suspicious — MAYYYBE the 10 zeros on a personal check tipped them off.........just maybe.

Now when I started readin this article I was like "damn, this nigga must be high......"

In addition to forgery, Fuller was charged with unlawfully carrying a weapon and possessing marijuana, Fort Worth police Lt. Paul Henderson said.

Officers reported finding less than 2 ounces of marijuana and a .25-caliber handgun and magazine in his pockets, police said.

Shoutouts to Mr. Archer Iknow he'll appreciate this dumb nigga shit


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